Teaching at the Centre

The Centre teaches A Course in Miracles through:

  • introductory sessions – an overview of the Course’s most important principles and terminology is offered in groups or individually. Individuals by appointment.

  • workshops and lectures - will be announced. Also visit our Blog.

  • discussion groups - here students have the opportunity to discuss and contemplate the content of the Course. Groups usually assemble once a week and make monthly contributions to the Centre. Check Groups and Organisations for groups available.

  • one-on-one mentoring and guidance is available through individual, telephone or skype sessions. Consulting with a spiritual mentor on a regular basis helps you to work through your obstacles and attain inner Peace faster and easier than if you walked alone. It allows you to
                                     - gain a clearer, deeper understanding of spiritual Truth and Self-realisation
                                     - "identify'' the blocks and work through them in a safe atmosphere
                                     - focus on "your'' issues, not the generalities of a group.

  • books, audiotapes, CD's and DVD's are available. Students who make monthly contributions to the Centre for Miracles may use the material at no cost. Everyone though is welcome to make use of the material if a small donation is made. For a list of available material at the Centre visit ACIM Material.

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